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The Best Way to Celebrate American Heart Month? Together!

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By now, you probably know that February is American Heart Month.

The goal of American Heart Month is to raise awareness about heart health, cardiovascular disease, and preventative measures to keep your heart healthy. Is it working?

What many people don’t know is that American Heart Month is meant to be celebrated all month but in different ways each week. Even though February is almost over, we’ll recap the ways to celebrate because we think that you can adopt these habits all year long!

The intent behind this week-by-week itinerary is to do it together. Whether it’s with a significant other, your parents or children, or a group of friends or coworkers, you can accomplish more when you’ve got a partner!

Week 1 – Get Active

Gather the ones you love and exercise together! Whether it’s nightly walking after dinner, joining a gym as a family, or making time for an extra burst of physical activity on the weekends, both your health and your relationships will benefit.

Get the community involved by forming a walking or running group with your neighbors, friends, church group, or coworkers. It’s easier to stay motivated to exercise when you’re accountable to a group.

Week 2 – Eat Healthy

Plan a week of heart-healthy meals and share the recipes with friends and loved ones. Need inspiration? Woman’s Day Magazine published 77 heart-healthy dinner recipes that you can incorporate into your evening meals all year long.

In addition to a healthy diet, the right supplement can also support your health efforts. Our Heart Smart Bundle comes with three powerhouse supplements clinically shown in humans to support the heart’s functions. We’re offering a special price for American Heart Month, so go check it out!

Week 3 – Track Your Heart Health Stats

Monitor your blood pressure, weight, and physical activity levels. We recommend doing this all year, not just during American Heart Month. Track your progress and measure improvement. Do this along with a partner and turn it into a friendly competition.

You can measure your blood pressure for free at CVS locations. Check here to find a store close to you.

Week 4 – Manage Stress

Stress wreaks havoc on the body and the heart. Stress hormones (mainly cortisol) are rough on your cardiovascular system. The shortness of breath and rapid breathing you experience during stressful situations makes your heart beat faster and work harder.

The effects of stress are also compounded by side effects like lack of sleep, stress eating, anger, depression, and even smoking.

So, during American Heart Month, use your support network to maintain a healthy mental attitude as well as a physical one. Get plenty of sleep, try yoga or meditation, and if you smoke, make an effort to stop for 30 days.

And, of course, be there for friends or loved ones that are also under stress this month. Check-in daily to see how the people close to you are doing and offer them support in whatever way you can.

Getting the Word Out

As you participate in these activities, we encourage you to take plenty of pictures and share on whichever social media platform you use most. Join the movement by using #OurHearts in your posts to gain momentum and build even more exposure to the cause.

Celebrate All Year

Each of the weekly activities we covered for American Heart Month can be done all year. Just because this month raises awareness of heart health doesn’t mean we should neglect the heart during the rest of the year. All of the activities we listed can be incorporated into your daily routine year-round. Use this weekly calendar as a source of inspiration and a place to start for a heart-healthy 2020!

What have you been doing to celebrate American Heart Month? Let us know in the comments!

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