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New Year, New (Energized) You

With a new year comes new challenges. After the excitement of New Year’s and the return to work, you may be feeling a little deflated...and we can totally relate! According to statistics conducted by YouGov, only one in seven Americans wake up feeling fresh every day of the week. Even if you’re getting the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep per night, you may still be feeling tired at work or while exercising. To help you start the new year on the right foot, here are ways to lessen fatigue and feel more energized!

Up your snack game

Instead of grabbing calorie and sugar-laden snacks like chips and cookies, pick brain-boosting snacks that won’t slow you down. Raw, unsalted nuts like almonds will satisfy your crunchy crave while providing healthy fat, protein, and fiber. A lunchbox classic, an apple, and peanut butter is also a high-fiber choice. Greek yogurt, unsalted popcorn, cottage cheese, hummus, and hard-boiled eggs are more healthy snacks that will help fight that post-lunch fatigue we all experience.

Stay hydrated

Dehydration will zap your energy and leave you feeling lethargic. To combat this, drink water throughout the day, starting with a cup of water when you wake up. Jazz up plain water by adding fresh fruit and vegetables like lemon, cucumber, and strawberries or fresh herbs (or go for sparkling water). Tea, coffee, milk and orange juice are also good sources of hydration, as well as certain foods such as watermelon and spinach. Avoid sports drinks only if you plan on doing heavy-duty exercise, as they can be filled with excess sugar and empty calories.

Improve your circulation

Circulation, the process of the heart pumping blood throughout the body, is vital to a person’s health. Symptoms of poor circulation most commonly include cold hands and feet, but can also include hair loss, fatigue, and digestive issues. To improve circulation, exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and don’t smoke. Oligonol supports healthy circulation by relaxing the blood vessels, giving your body the oxygen and nutrients, it needs. Derived from the lychee fruit, Oligonol has been shown to lessen fatigue and increase endurance.

Limit caffeine

If you’re feeling tired at all during the day, you probably have one thing on your mind: coffee. According to a study conducted by the NCA, 64% of American adults currently consume coffee every day. However, consuming too much caffeine can cause stress to the nervous system and lead to insomnia. And we all know that not getting enough sleep is a surefire way to fatigue. As a rule of thumb, the average person should consume no more than 400 milligrams of caffeine (that’s about four cups per day).

Take breaks

You may think it wise to power through the day without any interruptions, but you would be wrong. Studies have shown that frequent breaks, whether in the form of a power nap or brisk walk, improve productivity and reduce stress. If you struggle to stay energized during a workday, take short breaks throughout the day. A 10-minute walk during your lunch break is a great way to get some fresh air, clear your mind and stay healthy. In fact, constant sitting puts you at a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, depression, and obesity. You may be surprised by how much more productive your day is when you start taking breaks.

Stay organized

Mental fatigue is just as common as physical fatigue, and it shouldn’t be ignored. When your brain is overworked, your concentration plummets and your stress increases. There are many ways to prevent mental exhaustion, but one of the most important is organization. It could be keeping a daily planner or having a tidy desk and home. Our brains like things in order, so start decluttering your mental and physical space this year to combat fatigue.

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