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Let’s Celebrate Better Breakfast Month!


September is better breakfast month – we would like to celebrate with you by sharing some healthy breakfast tips and 7 healthy breakfast ideas. Let’s make it our goal this September to give our breakfast routine a makeover!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day – not only does it give you energy for the day but your breakfast choice sets your intention for the day. If you start your day off with a doughnut, you are more likely to continue to make less than healthy food choices throughout the day.  Let me clarify, doughnuts are OK on occasion, but they definitely shouldn’t be an everyday thing.  

Three components that make up a healthy breakfast are; carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein. Having the right balance of these three things in your breakfast meal is crucial. Protein is important because it helps keep you fuller for longer. Some good protein sources that can be eaten at breakfast are Greek yogurt, eggs, and cottage cheese. Healthy fats slow the absorption of glucose in the bloodstream; this will help avoid major insulin spikes which can cause many undesirable outcomes. Some healthy fats that are good to include in your breakfast are; avocado, olive oil, egg yolks, coconut oil, nuts and seeds, or coconut milk.

Eating a breakfast that contains both healthy fats and protein will do the following things for your body:

  • Support the adrenal glands and avoid fatigue
  • Provide a consistent, even flow of energy 
  • Help avoid mood swings
  • Keep you satiated and avoid sugar cravings
  • Avoid a blood sugar roller coaster throughout the day

Carbs get a bad rep due to modern fad diets - but eating the right types of carbs at breakfast is the best way to stay full and energized throughout the day. Complex carbs such as whole grains, legumes, and nuts are high in fiber and broken down slowly in the body – these are the carbs that will provide you with long-lasting energy.

Here are 7 healthy breakfasts you should try this month:

  1. These sweet potato pie oats are perfect for this time of year! This breakfast features sweet potatoes which are rich in beta carotene and Vitamins A and C. They also act as an anti-inflammatory. This recipe takes 30 minutes start to finish so you have no excuse to skip this one!
  2. Try this Healthy berry yogurt smoothie! This smoothie is packed with protein which will keep you full all day long.
  3. This banana blueberry coconut bread is great for an on –the-go breakfast. Bake a loaf on Sunday and have healthy breakfast for the next four days! This recipe is also vegan and gluten free.
  4. Have you tried chia seed pudding yet? Yes – this is a healthy pudding that you can eat for breakfast. Why not give it a try? This recipe features almond milk and agave and makes a great breakfast choice!
  5. These pomegranate oatmeal cups are great for on-the-go! This recipe is gluten-free, dairy-free, and super healthy.
  6. I know we said you shouldn’t start your day off with a donut… but this recipe is the exception! Whip up these vegan baked chia powder doughnuts for a super healthy version of your favorite breakfast food.
  7. Embrace fall with these pumpkin flax waffles – not only are they delicious, but flax seeds are great for digestion!

We hope this blog has inspired you to re-think your breakfast choices – and try some better breakfasts this month (and throughout the year)! Share this blog with your friends and family so they can celebrate better breakfast month too.  

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